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Our Free Dental Clinic, Project Creating Smiles, Was a Huge Success!
Picture Overview
#1 Sign: We helped a total of 95 people at our free clinic, Project Creating Smiles.
#2 Group Picture: 24 staff and friends volunteered their time to help us that day.
#3 Desiree: This year we had a total of three hygienists,
#4 Erin: seven dental assistants,
#5 Dr Dostal & Patti: four dentists,
#6 Drew: including Drew who traveled from Minnesota,
#7 Niels: and Niels who traveled from Iowa City,
#8 Alicia: In addition we had a nurse from Essex, a Spanish speaking translator
#9 Jody: and eight auxiliary staff helping at the clinic.
#10 Family: All ages were welcome and we did see children as young as 2 years-old and up.
#11: Jessie Peace: Over $25,600 in dental services were given at our free dental clinic.
#12: Katie & Child: It was so gratifying
#13 Marie: for us to be able to help so many people
#14 Shelly & Brenden: in need of dental care.
#15 Fareway provided food for our patients and staff
#16 Flier: Judy Sheperd and Earl May designed and printed all of our fliers and banners